A family medical center can be a great solution to many of your family’s healthcare needs. Comprehensive services for patients of all ages offered under one roof means you can get a multitude of issues taken care of conveniently. Whether you have a minor injury, tonsillitis, the flu, or a chronic condition that needs management, a family medical center can take care of it all. A family medical center can offer many benefits and is the best choice when it comes to providing the care you and your family need.
Most people know that a medical emergency requires a visit to an emergency room, but far too many people use an ER or urgent care facility as their primary source of care when a family medicine clinic is a far better alternative. Here are just a few of the many benefits a family medical center can offer for your family’s healthcare needs.
Continuity of Care
A family medicine physician can diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions affecting your entire family. They have the expertise and knowledge necessary to diagnose and treat patients of all ages – from children to the elderly. This continuity of care allows you the chance to establish a good patient/doctor relationship over a long period of time.
A family medical center covers an extensive range of healthcare needs, and physicians are able to order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests, allowing them to diagnose your condition, administer and monitor your treatment and rehabilitation, and re-evaluate your treatment as necessary. This means you won’t need to access other healthcare professionals elsewhere, which can be costly, time consuming, and leave you confused about who to turn to.
Thorough Knowledge of Medical History
When you visit a family physician, they get to know your personal and family medical history inside and out. This can help them make accurate diagnoses, monitor any changes to your health over time, identify red flags for potential conditions that may run in your family, and identify any unusual symptoms for emerging conditions that may require prompt attention and treatment, such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.
Treatment for Health Problems
A family physician can provide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment for a variety of common illnesses and conditions ranging from joint and back pain, allergies, flu and colds, and ear infections to sport, work and auto injuries, and minor medical emergencies, such as cuts and burns. They can also provide ongoing medical care for chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.
Coordination of Specialist Care
If there is a need for specialist treatment, your family medical center can coordinate this care on your behalf with specialists, physical rehabilitation or occupational therapists, pharmacists, and any other health care providers to make sure that all of your medical needs are addressed efficiently. They can also ensure that other healthcare providers have all the necessary information regarding any conditions you may have and the medications you take.
Preventive Care
Family physicians not only treat illnesses and health problems, but they also educate patients on disease management and prevention. They also guide you on being physically active, weight and nutritional management, and much more to help improve your overall well-being.
Family Medicine Center in Fort Worth, TX
If you are seeking reasons to visit a family medical center, contact the experienced team of dedicated family medicine physicians at Texas Medical Institute. We will give you the compassionate and comprehensive medical care you and your family deserve.
To find out more about our services, or to schedule an appointment with one of our family medicine specialists, call us today at (817) 615-8633 or use our convenient request an appointment form.